Thursday, 25 August 2016

locker recycle/up cycle



I totally dismantled this locker. I removed the top and the base. I then cut the sides and back just below the drawer.

dropping the drawer down onto the base reducing the height.

I added 4 castors to the base.

Next step was to remove the drawer front and upholster in this fab wool tartan.

put back on the top, used a little tech 7 instead of wood glue. (currently obsessed with this product)

the original locker had a nifty little pull out panel that I didn't even know existed until I dismantled the piece as it was totally swelled and stuck. a quick plane on the sides and it ran freely.

I added a 2" topper as a finishing touch to what is now a footstool.

A great little extra seat or footstool with a handy pull out table. a little extra storage with the drawer, an added bonus.

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